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What is FBD(Daraz Mall)? 2023

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What is Daraz Mall 2023

You may have seen products on the first page with the Daraz Mall tag. And wondered what FBD is. This article will clear your doubts about it. It will help you decide whether you should sign up for FBD. As it may help sellers explore a new way of business in the era of technology.

FBD or Daraz Mall stands for fulfillment by Daraz. It is a new strategy or way of business for sellers dealing in bulk quantities. Daraz makes the process of selling easy for sellers. It does this by storing the product at its warehouse (also called Daraz fulfillment centers). When an order comes they pack and deliver the product on behalf of the seller. Through this seller doesn’t need to worry about the packaging of the product. Daraz is responsible for all the related management work for the fulfillment of the order. FBD is managed by ASCP (Alibaba Supply Chain Portal). It has a separate portal to which the seller has access. Sellers can use it to keep a check on the inventory and finances.

How does FBD benefit the seller?

There are a couple of benefits for the seller, some as listed below:

1, Daraz provides high visibility on the platform to the seller that has joined the FBD program (Daraz Mall). You will no longer need to worry about the SEO (Search engine Optimization) of your products. You can read further on “How to do SEO for”.

2, Content, promotion, and pricing of the product are completely dependent on the seller. While Daraz takes care of the day-to-day task of order fulfillment. Big wholesalers can save this time to focus on other business tasks. To learn on how local sellers deal with this cumbersome task you can read “How daraz sellers deliver orders to customers?”

3, Daraz offers one-day delivery of products under the FBD category. This has a huge impact on sales.

4, Seller can get the product back at any time they like.

5, Sellers don’t even need to worry about the returns or items returned under failed delivery. All returns are handled by Daraz itself. For return claims by customers, if the products are found in good condition. Daraz will store and resell the product. But if the item is found faulty then it will be returned to the seller. Read “What is a return order?” to know further.

6, All FBD products are fully covered by Daraz’s insurance (against loss, damage, fire, etc.).

7, The FBD system can also keep the track of serial numbers in the products. So it can identify items that come with an expiry date.

What are the charges for FBD service?

Daraz Mall only charges sellers a small fee for the storage of the products. After the first 30 days, the item is considered storage. No cost is charged related to the packaging of the products.

How to join the FBD (Daraz Mall) program?

Sign in to the seller center. Click on fulfillment by Daraz. Raise an inbound order request. Then proceed to send your products to Daraz Fulfillment center. The FBD dashboard will have all the essential key metrics. It equips the seller with real-time information about his products.

FBD Dashboard tells:

1, Open Inbound Order: Order approved but still not sent to Daraz fulfillment center.

2, SKUs below minimum alert threshold: SKUs that have low stock

3, Send to warehouse: All the products stored at the Daraz warehouse

4, Customer orders: Orders received on products.

5. The trend of Customer Orders:  This enables sellers to know the performance of their product.

6. Return from Warehouse: Keeps sellers updated with the status of their orders

7. Announcements: All the essential information regarding the system.

Along with this, there are other important dashboards. Such as a product dashboard that helps sellers know about a particular product. When it was submitted, and approved, their status, their return, their sales, and their finances. Another significant tab is for analytics. It is sort of a business advisor that can provide sale reports, live inventory, Inventory Reconciliation, Expiry Rate reports (only valid for perishable items), Inventory Aging reports, and Serial Number reports.

Things you must know before submitting products for Daraz Mall:

1, While submitting the product to the warehouse. The seller must make sure that all the products are marked. And sorted by SKU. It mentions all the necessary information regarding the expiry etc.

2, All fragile items must be packed in transparent packaging to ensure their condition. Read more about “Packaging Guidelines“.

3, Items offered as bundles to sellers must be packed together in form of bundles. Give a read on “how to create bundles on the platform“? to learn in detail.

4, items should not have any broken seals, dents, wrong labels, colors, and access numbers. It should be according to that approved by the FBD team on the portal.

5, If any item doesn’t match the one uploaded. Or approved by FBD in any manner while submission. Then it will not be accepted by the warehouse.

6, the Shelf life should be according to the guidelines.

There is also a general summary of “things you must know before signing up for daraz“, It is recommended to go through it prior to any decision-making.


FBD is a fast solution to today’s business world. According to the news, World’s largest online shopping company Amazon has also introduced a new setup for FBD products. By having flying warehouses to limit the delivery time within hours. With advancements in technology. we must bring change in our selling strategies. To provide fast deliveries and adapt to the change as early as we can. Daraz provides a well-equipped and easy initiative for the 1ststep in the online shopping world. We must play our part in joining and exploring the smart way of business. Here in this article, we have summed up all our knowledge. Regarding the subject of FBD on Daraz. We hope that it helped you, Suggest to us if we missed something. You can contact us here.

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