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Seller Rejection Reason for Daraz-2022

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Seller Rejection Reason:

Daraz is a good marketplace platform for Sellers. The system is efficient and there are many opportunities for all categories of sellers to get their business online.  But recently, some sellers are facing issues in signing up for the seller program and facing rejection. Today we have summoned up some possible reasons and what sellers can do to rectify the problem of Seller Rejection on Daraz.

Account title and CNIC mismatched is mostly the cause of Seller Rejection:

Make sure that the account title on daraz and CNIC match the exact details Otherwise it is one of the major reasons for rejection.

Incorrect CNIC details mentioned:

Clear CNIC pictures are required. Upload Both the back and front picture. All the details manually input should match exactly that on the CNIC. Make sure CNIC is valid, not expired.

NTN document/ certificate not attached:

Make sure to upload valid NTN documents, any ambiguity or mistake in inputting data can lead to rejection. Always upload scan pictures other than clicking them from your phone.

Account title and NTN document/ certificate mismatched Can Lead to Seller Rejection:

The name should be the same in both Account titles as well as NTN documents/Certificates. Therefore all documents must have matching details.

Business registration number missing on NTN:

The business registration should contain the NTN details. You can not link one NTN to another account.


The cheque picture uploaded should be clear. The bank account must be active and valid and must contain an IBAN. The details of the filled do not match the cheque document uploaded. The bank account and CNIC should have matching names. Daraz approved banks are:

1. National Bank Of Pakistan

2. Apna Micro Finance Bank

3. Bank Of Khyber

4. Payoneer Bank

5. U Bank

6. NIB

7. BURJ Bank


Missing Documents:

Sometimes sellers forget to attach the document file. Thus causing on-spot rejection.

Duplicate Request:

On seller can not create another shop on the Daraz platform with the same phone number and email address. Therefore your application is on hold.

Brand authorization documents:

The brand authorization document uploaded may be unclear or invalid. To learn more, read “How to register your brand on daraz?“.

Wrong account type/ wrong digital goods category:

The application is in the wrong category for the product you are selling. This is because there are different products on daraz including digital goods, physical products, and services.

Why QA team of Daraz rejected your product?

Unapproved SKU is another major issue. Complaints of rejected products by Daraz are common. The QA (quality assurance) doesn’t approve their product. This is a very uprising issue in recent times as Daraz has updated its policy. And there are a couple of reasons. To fully understand, first analyze the process of product approval.

You can edit the rejected product according to the reason provided by the QA team. It may take up to 2hr to 48hr after publishing. It is important to understand that a product can be rejected for multiple reasons. Constant revision of the content before Quality Check approval can cause a delay in the review process.

There are two major categories of rejected SKUs:

A. Policy Violation is the direct cause for Rejected Product:

The product under policy violation is immediately locked from the listings and is not allowed to be edited for resubmission. This is restricted to products that have the following situations:

1, Brands that have partnership agreements with Daraz.

2, Products that are declared illegal to be sold in the country due to laws.

3, Products that receive constant bad reviews by customers due to any reason.

4, Fake, counterfeit products are not allowed to be sold on the platform.

5, SKUs that are not being sold for more than 4 months are not allowed to be reuploaded.

6, Restricted products by Daraz according to its policy agreed by both seller and Daraz.

For more details on what products come under this category, you can read our detailed article on it “What products are restricted to sell on Daraz“.

B. Poor Quality:

Products rejected under Poor quality can be edited and rectified accordingly. The reasons for rejection can be summarized as under:

Wrong Category:

Sellers must make sure that all products are tagged in the relevant category. Also, make sure it is within the category tree provided by Daraz. When a seller tries to list the product in the wrong category. The platform assumes the action is taken for the reduced commission rates. Daraz then automatically reduces the visibility on the page search and also can lead to NCP(non-compliance points).

Additional Poses Required:

To enable the customer to better understand and have an idea of the product, the picture is vital. The pictures must be taken from more than one angle. It will clarify any doubts and misunderstandings that may arise. Online shopping is all about aesthetics. You can only maintain your buyer’s attention by good quality sufficient pictures. Any lack of the above features can cause a lack of visibility and a possible reason for rejection by the QA team.

Incorrect Brand Name:

The brand name is very important. A seller must properly list its products under the correct brand. This will automatically help avoid any fake or counterfeit brands. If a seller manufactures its product then he/she can make its brand name. And it is approved in 1-2 working days. Using the wrong brand name will cause you trouble. There has been a recent problem in creating a brand name. This was once free but now comes with a cost. To know more about it click here.

What’s in the box missing:

The product SKU must mention what is included in the box. Make sure to add all the products that a seller has mentioned in the description. The parcel must have all the components as promised. This provides clarity to the customer before making the purchase. It helps in reducing claim and return-related issues.

Replica products not allowed:

Daraz does not allow fake or counterfeit products on the platform. Items that show different descriptions as compared to the price of the product if it’s original. Ambiguous products are rejected. Sellers are not allowed to fraud any customer.

Size chart required:

For all items that require a size. The description must include a size chart. It ensures a better understanding of customers. All such items should mention the measurements to avoid return issues.

Scribbles on Images are not allowed:

Product images should not have any watermarks or scribbles. The picture must be clear, original, and copyright free.

Features missing/insufficient information:

The product must have all the relevant and necessary information mentioned on it. The seller can list it in the product description. Incorrect or insufficient information on a particular product leads to QC rejection.

Other Reason for Seller Rejection:

Daraz rejects product that doesn’t meet its Standards. For reasons other than the ones mentioned above, the seller can contact Daraz’s representative. You can find out more about that by live chatting with the employees and learning more.


These are all the major reasons that are causing trouble to new sellers and leading to Seller Rejection on the platform. We hope that these tips will help and resolve your issues. Comment down below your signup experience on Daraz as a seller and did you face any issues? You can also reach us through the contact form.

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