
How to do Product SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on Daraz 2023?

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You all must be aware of the word SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization. In simple words, this means choosing the set of words and phrases that enables the bots or the internet to know about your content and to show the relevant result when a person searches about it on the search engine. This term is not only limited to website developers, Youtubers, Instagram, or for any other social media Platform.

Every single platform uses a set of algorithms that lets it know what the publisher/ Seller/ Influencer is selling to its audience. To optimize your chances for the platform to learn more about you than your other fellow mates selling under the same category is called SEO. Every act on the internet is monitored through it. Daraz and other eCommerce websites, all use it to deliver the right product to their customer.

It is recommended to give read “Things you must know before signing up for Daraz“.

Why SEO of your products is Must?

The right SEO for the product is important to rank your product on the first page and to make it compete with the other seller. SEO simply increases the reach of the product and brings a huge chunk of the audience that was otherwise diverting to other sellers. This is the main reason your product is not getting sales it is not reaching its audience. If more people will visit your store, then it will defiantly increase your conversion rate and sell

Identify keywords to begin with SEO:

You need to understand the need for one single keyword and then stick to it. You can never rank your product for a wide range of items. The product has to target one specific keyword in order to rank or appear against that word. There are multiple tools that will help you classify your product according to the keyword it best described. After you have found the hot keyword, try to put it as the 1st word of the product name/title or after 1-2 adjectives. This makes sure that when a user types that specific word your product will show up. Also to make better On-page SEO, try to add the function of the product in the title too as many searches will come through that word.

Unique Content:

In order for your product to rank, always make sure the content is unique. It should range between 100-150 words. The keyword density should be between 1-2%. This will automatically gain points on the SEO of the article

Frequent Engagement:

Always make sure to timely respond to the Q/A section of the store or the personal chat

Longer & Relevant Content works better:

Google uses 1st 100 words to just get the context of what your product is about. Focus on highlighting and description. Take your inspiration from products by another seller in your category, but make it unique.

Shortened Title for shortened URL:

Try to write a short title so that it results in a short URL. Google prefers URLs with shorter lengths and most of the store traffic is driven through google searches.

LSI Keywords:

Latent semantic Indexing (LSI), these are the relevant or related keyword that is searched with your targeted keyword. For example, if a tint is being sold. The LSI keyword can be lip tint or cheeks tint. Try to incorporate these words in the description. If you are confused about LSI, Look at the bottom of any google search, It shows the list of keywords that are searched for the content.


Clickbait is not always wrong. If you are unaware of the word then it is the act of displaying pleasing images of the actual product. If your product functions exactly as illustrated, then a little clickbait is never too bad. Make your product attractive by adjectives and numbers(pack of 2, set of 4, etc.

Add Multi-Media:

It is ideal to add multimedia(photos/video clips) of your product in the description of your product as well.

Business Advisor:

A business advisor is one of the most helpful tools for Product SEO. It will help you strategize your business and analyze your performance. It makes it easier for sellers to understand individual product insights. And how customers react to it. It is a portal designed for sellers to equip them with all the essential information. It helps boost their sales on Daraz.

How to access Business Advisor?

You can access the business advisor by logging in to the seller center. In the left panel click on the Business Advisor tab.

How to use Business Advisor for SEO?

On the main dashboard, you can see all the key matrices. It helps you monitor your performance. You can also filter the results according to the dates or time period. From the dashboard you can visualize the following parameters with respect to the timeline:

1, Revenue: The total revenue generated from successful orders during the selected time period. Revenue is including all the charges such as shipping fees etc. It is calculated through revenue= traffic x conversion rate x revenue per buyer.

2, Visitors: The number of visitors to your store

3, Conversion rate: Ratio of buyers Vs Visitors. It tells you how much of the audience actually buys your product when it arrives at your store.

4, Page views: No. of times your page has been viewed by visitors.

5, Orders: No orders received

6, Unit sold: The total number of products sold during the selected time

Along with this, the dashboard will also tell you about individual Products.

Product Dashboard:

1, Short of Stock: It involves all the products that are low on stock. Or possibly will run out in a week. Through this, you can ensure to invest in the stock that is in high demand. It will help generate more sales.

2, Low conversion rate: All the products that have dropped the average conversion rate in the last 7 days.

3, Revenue Dropping: This means that the product is losing revenue as compared to last week. This can possibly be due to some competitor selling a better quality or at a better price. Take necessary actions to overcome it. Sellers can boost these products through seller picks.

4, High Revenue Loss: All the products that are out of stock or inactive. It will also tell the amount of revenue lost due to this. You should restock this product.

5, Not Selling: These products that have not made a sale in the last 30 days. All of these products must be promoted. Or the SKUs should be improved for better visibility.

How to track the performance of individual products for better SEO?

You can also track the performance of individual products through a business advisor. The seller can access it from the Business advisor under product diagnosis. It also has the option to filter data according to date, category, brand, product, etc. Through this tab you can track:

1, Visitor: the number of visitors to a particular product

2, Page views: The amount of time the product page has been viewed

3, Buyers: The number of people who actually ordered from the store

4, Orders: The no. of orders received in the store

Through all these traits you can understand the following patterns:

1, When you have high traffic but fewer sales: This means that your products are attracting visitors. But either it is overly priced, the picture is bad quality or the description does not provide them with what they need. Take the necessary action to overcome this issue. Work on it to ensure a high conversion rate as well.

2, Wishlist visitors: These are visitors who want to buy a product from your store. But maybe the item is out of stock. Or they are still in the phase of making a strong decision to make a purchase. Provide as much subsidy to the customer as possible to enable the customer to buy.

3, Add to cart visitors: The number of visitors that added products to their cart to purchase

SEO on Daraz Conclusion:

Through the knowledge of all these, you can actively participate in campaigns. Choose the right product for seller picks. Encourage customers by offering products in the form of bundles. And strategize your business to increase sales and improve your on-page SEO of the store, without any paid promotion or tools. We hope that we have cleared your query. For more tips comment down below. You can also contact us here.

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